
In order to access and search our donor database, please fill out the form below to register for an account. Already have an account? Log in here.

By checking the "I agree" box on this Third Party form, we/I agree that any information and/or photos we/I view, access, obtain or download from this website are the property of Prime Genetics, LLC and will not be shared or distributed to any third party for any reason without the prior written consent of Prime Genetics, LLC.

I understand that in order to gain access to this database my contact information is required and that both my email and IP address will be saved by Prime Genetics, LLC.

I hereby certify that I am requesting access to this database solely for the purpose of viewing the profiles of prospective egg donors and/or surrogate mothers.

All other purposes are unauthorized. I further acknowledge that in order to protect the privacy of all participants in the egg donor and surrogate process, both my email and IP address may be used to pursue action against parties who access this database for any unauthorized purpose. This includes, but is not limited to, efforts to contact and/or work directly with any parties profiled on the website.

I understand that Prime Genetics, LLC. shall have no obligation to retain or preserve records, communications, documents, or any other information for longer than four years from the completion of any services to be provided under the Prime Genetics, LLC Services Agreement.

I certify that the information on this application is correct and may be subject to verification.

Your password must fit the following standards:

  1. Your password must contain at least one (1) uppercase letter and one(1) lowercase letter; 
  2. Your password must contain at least one (1) number; 
  3. Your password must be at least eight (8) characters in length.